Properly aligned teeth are not just an aesthetic concern, as teeth that are not properly aligned are more likely to deteriorate, leading to early tooth loss from causes such as periodontal disease or general wear and tear.

Dr. Nicholas Bottorff, our experienced dentist, is a member of the American Academy of Clear Aligners and has trained directly under their president, Dr. David Galler. This experience is far more robust than what is traditionally taught, which gives Dr. Bottorff an enhanced skill set and deep knowledge of clear aligner orthodontic therapy.

Invisalign clear aligners can be used to treat all the same issues as traditional braces, including:

  • Crowded or crooked teeth
  • Gapped and spaced teeth
  • Bite problems, including overbites, underbites, open bites and crossbites

Invisalign treatment is often a great option for patients who want a more discreet option for aligning their teeth. Invisalign treatment uses a series of custom-made clear plastic aligners to straighten your teeth, which gives you a nearly invisible treatment as well as a more comfortable overall experience.

During your initial consultation, our dentist will examine your mouth to determine if you are a good candidate for Invisalign clear aligners. When you receive this treatment, we will design and create a series of aligners for your use. Each set of aligners will make small changes to the position of your teeth, gradually and gently moving them into their proper place until your treatment is complete. You will meet with our dentist regularly throughout your treatment to ensure that your smile is progressing as planned.

Invisalign clear aligners offer several additional benefits. For example, they are removable, which allows you to brush and floss easily to keep your smile healthy as well as allowing you to eat anything you would like. However, because your aligners are made of clear plastic, they may cause your teeth to appear dirty or stained, so we recommend that you clean them regularly to maintain your appearance throughout your treatment.

If you have any questions about Invisalign clear aligners in Charlottesville, Virginia, and would like to schedule a consultation with our dentist, please call our office at 434-212-6544 and speak with a member of our team.

Invisalign and the Invisalign logo, among others, are trademarks of Align Technology, Inc., and are registered in the U.S. and other countries.